Lurking Nightmares: Relocation

21 years she has been waiting. Revenge is all she seeks. They were relocated to a place of many know about. One knows of a danger that lurks in every shadow. She is always watching. Forgotten. Rejected. Broken... But is she as bad as you think? Behold the fourth book of Lurking Nightmares: Relocation where a new enemy awaits to strike and new secrets are yet to be uncovered. Your never alone.

published on October 12, 201637 reads 6 readers 0 completed
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Lurking Nightmares: Relocation
Chapter 12.

Not a Hugger (Ellie)

April 21st, 2020

Visions flashed in my mind since I first attacked my dearest  friends even if not my fault I couldn't fight the rage mode activation til Myth or someone shut me off guilt swam around me just thinking about. I open my eyes slowly starting out as blurs of light shining above me it takes a minute for my vision to fully clear I find myself on the table in the room of spare parts where surprisingly I found Bonnie laying his head on the table asleep beside me once I sat up. A slight smile crawls across my face; I nudge the purple rabbit gently "Bonnie wake up" the rabbit's ears perk up slightly he opens his eyes revealing his enchanting pink eyes he looks at me and immediately sits up happily "Ellie your awake! I'm so glad your okay now" out of nowhere Bonnie wrapped me into his arms which in other terms was a hug my face turned bright red as I kindly shove him away. "Is there something wrong Ellie?" Bonnie wonders seeming surprised at my response I look at him trying to play cool in hiding the nervousness in my voice I think: *why in the world did he hug me? And why did I even blush like that when he did? I'm really not much for hugging maybe from my friends but with him it's different...* Bonnie is silent. I take a deep breathe and look at him "Sorry, it's just I've never hugged anyone but my closest friends but not much anymore since my urge to hug is not really a thing for me. You could say I'm not a hugger" I await his response the rabbit looks at me and unexpectedly he grabs my arm pulling once again into his embrace this time close right where I can hear his beating robotic heart my face brightens with red "Well hugger or not I believe you are enjoying this hug with me. Also, it's very comforting to have you close to me Ellie" I lift my eyes to him "Yeah..." I start to say with a grin "This...this is nice" without thinking I let my own arms wrap around Bonnie in a hug in response to his made me feel safe placing his head atop of mine. We stood there hugging for quite a while, staying silent and forgetting all that has happened from before.
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