The Unleashed

The Unleashed

This is a story that is about my created character, Jack Lee. Jack Lee will battle alot of evil things like demons, angels, vampires, etc. This is my #1 story so i hope you all like it.

published on March 27, 201359 reads 8 readers 5 completed
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Chapter 9.
Chapter 7: The Cenobite

Chapter 7: The Cenobite

It was a few days later. Jack was called to Vanessa's room. It was Vanessa requesting Jack's help.
Jack got ready and headed to Vanessa's room. He knocked on the door.
Vanessa opened the door and pulled Jack in the room. She looked all worked up.
"Whats going on?" Jack asked.
"The cenobite is in Miami, Florida," Vanessa replied. "I have been after this thing for two years."
"What is a cenobite?"
"A demon. It is released from Hell with a special box. The cenobite's name is Pinhead."
"How do you kill it?" Jack asked.
"Heres the best part," Vanessa replied. "I dont know how to kill it."
"Well lets get going," Jack said.
They quickly got in the plane and flew to Miami.
They landed outside of the city. They entered the city. Vanessa really wanted to face this Pinhead.
"I can't let it get away this time," Vanessa said.
"Dont worry," Jack told her.
They searched around the city. Vanessa could track the cenobite very well. He instincts led them to an old church.
"Why does it always have to be a dark building?" Jack asked.
They ran into the church. There were chains and hooks everywhere. A man was chained up with hooks pulling away his skin. Standing there was a man in dark clothes. His skin was pail and he had pins all in his head. It looked at Jack and Vanessa.
"Ah," he said. "The hunters have found me again."
"This time I am going to kill you," Vanessa vowed.
Chains rose out of the ground and wrapped around Vanessa's arms and legs. She could not move.
"Let her go!" Jack yelled.
"Now you I dont recognize," the cenobite said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Pinhead, leader of the cenobites."
"You can call me Jack Lee," Jack replied. "The guy who is going to put you down."
"You speak too much," Pinhead told him. "I know why you became a hunter. Azazel attacked you and killed your girl. Let me advise you not to fight me, because if you do, you will not be able to fight Azazel."
"I am not scared of you," Jack told him.
A chain flew at Jack. Jack caught it with his hand. Pinhead was shocked. A chain hit Jack from behind. Chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles. Vanessa tried to break free, but the chains slammed her on the ground and knocked her out. Pinhead was focused on Jack.
"You see," Pinhead said. "I have heard stories about you in Hell. The demon Azazel talks about meeting you."
"You can tell him to kiss my-"
A chain wrapped around Jack's throat and began to squeeze.
"You were warned," Pinhead said. "Now you are doomed to my eternal torture."
Jack hit Pinhead with a headbutt. Pinhead staggered back and the chains were loose.
Jack freed himself and went right after Pinhead. He punched him in the gut and hit him in the face with an elbow. Pinhead hit Jack in the chest. He punched Jack in the face twice and kicked him in the gut.
Pinhead had a chain with a hook appear in his hand. He swung the chain. Jack caught the chain and pulled Pinhead towards him. He hit Pinhead with an uppercut.
Vanessa was waking up. She got free and drew her sword.
Pinhead swung at Jack. Jack caught Pinhead by the throat and planted him into the ground. Pinhead pushed Jack off of him and stood up. He formed another chain and Jack drew his knife.
Vanessa came from behind and stabbed Pinhead through the back.
"You know, Vanessa," Pinhead saud. "You should know that your sword cant hurt me."
Pinhead broke the blade off the sword. He spun and sliced Vanessa across the chest and kicked her to the ground.
"NO!" Jack yelled.
Jack ran and stabbed Pinhead in the head. Pinhead pushed Jack away. Jack threw his knife at Pinhead. Pinhead blocked it with his hand, allowing it to stab into his hand. He crushed the knife.
Jack had had enough. He ran and tackled Pinhead to the ground. He lifted Pinhead by the throat and slammed him to the ground hard. He kicked Pinhead in the side. Pinhead rolled. He got down and began punching Pinhead over and over and over. Pinhead tried to fight back.
Jack grabbed a nearby chain and wrapped it around his fist. He continued to punch Pinhead over and over. Pinhead was a bloody mess. He finally got Jack off of him and stood up.
"You have proven to be worthy," Pinhead said. "No one has ever been able to fight me, let alone hurt me like you have."
"I'm not done with you," Jack told him.
"This fight is over," Pinhead said. "I find you to be a worthy ally to the cenobites."
"How can you help me?" Jack asked.
"You will find that out soon," Pinhead said. "Untill we meet again."
A portal to Hell appeared. Pinhead walked through it and vanished. Vanessa awoke, her wound was gone.
"What happend?" Vanessa asked.
"Pinhead got his ass kicked," Jack told her.
"You know I wont be that easy to defeat," said a voice from behind.
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Comments (5)

I feel like there are too many characters for a short story. ._.
on April 27, 2013
I like it the ending was very sweet where Farrah came back lol a gift from God =) I like that lol and the sequal thing if up to you lol I just go with the flow lol
on April 10, 2013
It's good just remember to keep an eye out for your spelling lol
on April 03, 2013
Very good start off because it foes right to the action. This story is the type to keep u on the edge of your seat and just haves u thirsty for more lol. But one thing u wanna do Ant is since this is just writing, you don't have to put *'s when you wrote out a cuss word. But other than that, I like it so far
on April 02, 2013
Sounds good =)
on March 27, 2013