The Unleashed

The Unleashed

This is a story that is about my created character, Jack Lee. Jack Lee will battle alot of evil things like demons, angels, vampires, etc. This is my #1 story so i hope you all like it.

published on March 27, 201359 reads 8 readers 5 completed
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Chapter 11.


Hello Folks enjoying this story. I gotta say that i never thought i would get this far into the story. But my 3 good friends are by my side helping me out and supporting me so its all good. Stephanie, Bella, and Alice, Thank you so much.
Since my first Shoutout, alot of changes have been made, or i should say since my introduction. I also forgot an important character so ill have to put her in this next list.
1. Jack Lee
2. Vanessa Marshals
3. Allison Johnson
4. Farrah
5. Jon Lennox
6. Morgan Reedus
7. Pinhead
8. Lilith
9. Azazel
10. Lucifer
11. Dracula

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Comments (5)

I feel like there are too many characters for a short story. ._.
on April 27, 2013
I like it the ending was very sweet where Farrah came back lol a gift from God =) I like that lol and the sequal thing if up to you lol I just go with the flow lol
on April 10, 2013
It's good just remember to keep an eye out for your spelling lol
on April 03, 2013
Very good start off because it foes right to the action. This story is the type to keep u on the edge of your seat and just haves u thirsty for more lol. But one thing u wanna do Ant is since this is just writing, you don't have to put *'s when you wrote out a cuss word. But other than that, I like it so far
on April 02, 2013
Sounds good =)
on March 27, 2013