

Delve deep into the worlds of purgatory, where we follow our protagonist Lori.

published on May 11, 201710 reads 4 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Chapter 4; Legends

Quiet echos of the three's footsteps were like gunshots in an open field as they walked through the now-empty streets of Purgatory. The 'sky' was now a deep, dark blue that represented the night sky. Nearly all of the buildings had their lights off, leaving Kiri's iris and Deido's eyes to light the way.
"So, eye. Betray anyone lately?"
"Shut up, Deido." Lori snapped at him, sick of the arguing. Kiri chuckled.
"Ok, fine. I won't even tell you about the one building that has a light on with a sign that says 'Glitchteller.' Yes ma'am."
"Staaaay AWAY from that building. The Glitchteller is weird--"
Before she knew it, the two doors to the Glitchteller's building was swinging and Kiri was outside on her own. She sighed in annoyance, following the two idiots inside. Inside said building, she crossed through about 5 multicolored blankets to enter the main room. It was very small, shelves lining every single wall. The shelves held multiple trinkets on them. One a small snake, one a man made of fire, and so on..Kiri just so happened to pull a large book off of a shelf, the title reading "LONG AGO."
"Well, the others can wait, I guess." With that, she opened the book.
Long ago, Purgatory welcomed all creatures and species. EIs, Robots, Androids, Humans, Magmen, Hexes, Shadows, and it goes on. Lord Dimrock was the only demon that had ever entered Purgatory, and he ruled with a balanced mind, relying on how the person he is judging acted in their life to send them to the clouds of heaven or the fires of Hell. A close friend, a Shadow named Void, was always by his side. One day, Void questioned him.
"How come you are so peaceful with your judgement, my friend?" He began. "We should send them all into the flames, and be done with it."
"That is not balance, Void. It is cruelty." He replied. However, Void did not take no as an answer. He gathered many of his fellow sister and brother shadows and hexes to rage against Dimrock. It was a difficult battle for one demon along, and he lost a horn in the process, but Lord Dimrock came out victorious. Using his power, he created a barrier around Purgatory sealing out every Hex and Shadow that died and showed up, and the ones already there. Not intending on giving up, Void made a vow. One day, he would find a way to--
Kiri slammed the book shut. She's read enough.
"LORI! DEIDO!!" She rushed through a hall, the green rings no longer able to keep up, and barrelled right into the two.
"Calm down, Eye! You have to have enough energy to fight The Lord."
"Yeah, Kiri..Calm down a bit. We're just gonna set up camp in an alley for now, ok?" Lori and Deido squeezed past her, Deido patting her roughly on the shoulder. "Come on."
"B-but- We- He- ..Fine, ok." She dropped the book behind her, rushing after her group. And yet, she couldn't get one thought out of her was probably nothing, right?
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