Stranded on a desert island

This is an assignment that we had to do in school that I wanted to share with you guys. Let me know if you enjoyed it!

published on January 09, 20213 reads 2 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 3.


        If we fixed the dashboard on the plane, we might be able to send a distress signal to the nearest rescue center! And so, with happy thoughts on our minds we fell asleep to the steady drip-drop of the cave. In the morning we set to work. After analyzing the dashboard of the plane, we realized that several of the parts had been damaged. We had all but given up hope when Sydney discovered a box of spare parts that had been flung from the plane when we crashed. After shaking sand out of it we looked through the parts and found two of the parts we needed! Unfortunately, we still needed one more part in order to begin fixing the dashboard.
        Tristan sets to work on fixing the dashboard while the rest of us search for items the could be used to replace the missing part. The missing part is just a bundle of wires. So if we could maybe find a copper wire or even some twine of some sort... Sydney screams. Startled, we all look in her direction. And then we saw what had alarmed her. It was a gigantic python. I was TERRIFIED of any type of snake so as everyone ran away, I was paralyzed in fright. And soon the python began to realize that I wasn't running. It slowly began slithering in my direction.
        My terrified self just could not move no matter how much I willed it to.
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no what
on January 09, 2021
on January 09, 2021