The Shadow Hunter

He is the ultimate threat to the Stable Society, but is about to come out of the shadows... for good.

published on April 29, 201465 reads 14 readers 9 not completed
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The Shadow Hunter
Chapter 10.


M129 sprinted down the trail that the Shadow Hunter had made through the jungle. He kept his radar on high sensitivity, but it was easy to see where the Hunter had been. He was so focused on his radar that he nearly collided with a large, armored brute. M129 whipped around, plasma pistol in hand. He paused as the sunlight was blocked out by the large creature. Slowly, M129 looked up. Glaring down at him through a red v-shaped visor was a Butcher, unmoving and deadly. The Butcher (his suit identified him as GW-H16) hefted a large rocket launcher onto his shoulder and continued walking through the thick vines as if they were made from tissue paper. M129 paused, then slid his pistol back into the armor's holster. He needed to be more careful; his patrol was on the other side of the jungle, so bumping into any other GWs could lead to some awkward questions. After checking his radar, he determined that the Hunter was nearby; there was also a notice that all available GWs needed to report to a drone crash site. M129 paused. He coudn't risk losing the Hunter to check on a crashed drone. He turned back to the trail.
Three minutes later he arrived at a strange clearing in the jungle. For some reason, this area hadn't been properly marked on his map; the radar said this was impenetrable jungle area. He looked around; the rifle's coordinates said it should be right in front of him...something on the ground glinted for just a second. M129 crouched down and saw a small latch in the ground. He knew that all of his questions were about to be answered. He bent down and grabbed the latch, then pulled with all of his strength. The latch didn't budge.
He could only think of one way to get the latch to move, and it wouldn't be quiet. M129 pulled out two plasma grenades and primed them. Time for some fireworks.
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Comments (9)

Please check out this story's companion novel, "The Rise of Fluffy" ;3
It's reader-influenced, meaning you can vote on how the plot goes, and it also affects this story, the Shadow Hunter
Rise of Fluffy is much more humor-infused, so it's a lighter feeling story than this one :D
Anyway read it ;3 Thanks everyone!
on May 07, 2015
yeah thank chu I think ;3
on May 07, 2015
on April 27, 2015
Oh God sorry guys, My drafts were deleted (by a friend on accident), but I have been re-writing like a madman ._.
on February 25, 2015
The huge update is coming up! :) To keep it interesting, I'm going to release it a chapter at a time. Thanks for reading and hope you guys like the new content B)
on October 21, 2014
So I've been adding more chapters while I can. It will be a couple days till my computer is sent off and I'm writing as fast as possible :D so please keep reading it and sharing with your friends. Thanks guys!
on May 08, 2014
Hey guys I have good news and bad news: I won't be on for a few months, my computer is being sent off to be worked on. However, I will finish my story while I'm gone and publish the COMPLETE STORY when I get back. Sorry to leave you hangin but I ran out of time. Bye
on May 03, 2014
He has a pet called fluffy XD
I keep thinking of shadowhunters as in the mortal instruments :) nice keep going
on May 02, 2014
Yes please make more
on May 02, 2014