Standing In The Rain

Mystery, Romance, And Adventure!! ~~ This is about a girl in 10th grade, who is constantly being out shined by her sister, who is accepted into a secret organization-MUTTS (Mis Understood Teens Transaction System) Hope you love it, please comment any suggestions, comments, questions, or if you want a certain event to happen, or a certain name to be used, ask away, please!! ~~ Thanky You!! Leigh 07

published on October 30, 2012119 reads 21 readers 6 not completed
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Standing In The Rain
Chapter 18.


The boy introduces himself as Mark and he leads me down a long flight of stairs where all of the House Rooms are.  He shows me into the fourth door down the hall. He somehow opens the door and guides me in where I see a large room with a fireplace. Off to the side I see a kitchen and table with chairs. In the middle are soft couches and chairs all over. Over to the left is a flight of stairs going up. Mark walks up the steps, gesturing for me to follow him. I hurry up the steps, trying to keep up with him. He has long legs and a long, skinny build. He easily climbs up the steps, partially because of his build and also because he is use to all of the stairs everywhere, here.

He points to a room on the left, "There's your dorm. It'll have your luggage and everything all ready there."

I tentatively push open the door, and I wait for him to go in the room with me. I don't want to be alone just yet. He shakes his head and turns to head back down the steps. "I can't go there. That's the 'girls' dorm! You'll be fine!" He called as he jumped down the last few steps to finish eating with the rest of the place. I walked into the dorm and saw many bunk beds. I found my familiar, old suitcase next to a bed in the middle of the long hall of a dorm. I don't eat that night. I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow, not even dressed in PJ's.

I awake too soon, it feels. at 6:30 a.m the next morning. People are up and moving around busily. I join them slowly, stiffling a yawn, I put on my outfit from my bag. A button up collared, light blue shirt with black slacks. I heard there was going to be a speaker and that we all had to be presentable.
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Comments (6)

This is beyond amazing!
on June 17, 2014
You have such good talent!!
on April 24, 2013
on April 10, 2013
***oops I meant write, :)
on January 12, 2013
Please wright more!!
on January 12, 2013
Awesome story!:)
on December 09, 2012