Standing In The Rain

Mystery, Romance, And Adventure!! ~~ This is about a girl in 10th grade, who is constantly being out shined by her sister, who is accepted into a secret organization-MUTTS (Mis Understood Teens Transaction System) Hope you love it, please comment any suggestions, comments, questions, or if you want a certain event to happen, or a certain name to be used, ask away, please!! ~~ Thanky You!! Leigh 07

published on October 30, 2012119 reads 21 readers 6 not completed
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Standing In The Rain
Chapter 16.


"So, that was a big joke?" I asked him as he lifted the secret door that led up outside. He grunted in pain as he put debris back over the entrance. I bent over and helped him, and then helped him stand back up.

"No, not a joke, but not exactly real either." He said.

"So," I waved the pamphlet in the air, "what did she mean by 'Houses'?" I inquired.

"Oh those, okay. There are five Houses. Each one with a different job or ability." He said. He paused to let me soak this is.

"Like Hogwarts?"

"Yes. There are four Houses, but it doesn't go by what's in your head or heart. The sorting goes by your talents. People with talents of spies go into one house, Spelshek. People who have a natural physical abillity are in Consim. People who have a knack for technology go into the house Teknom. Then there is a house of people who are creative and artistic. They are placed into Artimest. The last house is Fondme. People in that house are  what we call 'foundation'. They do the cooking, healing and repairing and everything to keep the whole organization together. Then in each house there are a group of people called prefects. That part is indeed from Hogwarts." He smiles at me. "They can discipline fellow members to an extent. They are all at 3rd years or above."

"And what are you in?" I was curious for this one.

"I don't really know, actually." He had a sheepish smile but he was serious.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, they couldn't figure out what to put me in. So I did some training in all houses. I was pretty good at most of it, except for painting, cooking, playing instruments, and healing. Those I was horrible in! There wasn't any 'in between' for me." He grinned at me, and I could believe it. He was quiet, not too big, yet he was fast. Strong. And smart. I just kept telling myself that 'he can't be THIS perfect!'

He continued, "Right now I am like a deputy or prefect. I help Romda with keeping the whole MUTTS organization together, but I also train and study."

"So, how often will I be able to come?" This is awesome! I'm so excited.

"See that's the thing. It's a school." Now I'm confused.

"But, I go to a school all ready." This doesn't make sense.

"We can send a letter explaining everything to your family who can move you out of your current school, or we can create a fake letter saying you've either been expelled or have achieved some high standard and have been recommended to this conveniently close school."

"Please not spilling everything!! I don't want Alice to come.. which she certainly would if she knew!" I exclaimed. I wanted this. I wanted to go their. To learn. To become someone. Something. To outshine and belong.
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Comments (6)

This is beyond amazing!
on June 17, 2014
You have such good talent!!
on April 24, 2013
on April 10, 2013
***oops I meant write, :)
on January 12, 2013
Please wright more!!
on January 12, 2013
Awesome story!:)
on December 09, 2012