Standing In The Rain

Mystery, Romance, And Adventure!! ~~ This is about a girl in 10th grade, who is constantly being out shined by her sister, who is accepted into a secret organization-MUTTS (Mis Understood Teens Transaction System) Hope you love it, please comment any suggestions, comments, questions, or if you want a certain event to happen, or a certain name to be used, ask away, please!! ~~ Thanky You!! Leigh 07

published on October 30, 2012119 reads 21 readers 6 not completed
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Standing In The Rain
Chapter 14.


"How about we let your little friend here go with only 3 more bruises, and you get a punch to your lovely cheek?" He said, he was playing with me! I decided to go along with it. What else could I do?

"How about he gets only one more kick, and I'll take a hit to the stomach, and... almost anything you want." I was practically begging him! No, i WAS begging him!

"Fine, sweatheart, wish granted!" He laughed, and the three henchmen chuckled. "Mack!" He nodded to Jae. "Untie the weakling. Neil! Have fun!" The one I assume to be Mack bent over to untie the notes cutting at Jae's ankles and wrists. Meanwhile 'Neil' stood before Jae and swung his leg backwards and did a couple 'practice swings' where he would through his foot to where his toes would just almost touch Jaeze's shin. As Mack finally got him untied and Neil finally let loose his leg and let is soar into Jae's leg. Jae howled with pain and grabbed his newest injury. He gave a slow, longing look at me but he quickly walked out the door. He looked ashamed. He was so athletic and strong yet he had just been completely defenseless.

The door opened and closed again. I was alone. "No, what was the little deal we made? I believe we kept our side, now yours?" I whimpered, bent down and grabbed my blindfold. Then I reluctantly walked slowly to the chair, turned around and sat down. I tied the blindfold around my mouth. I didn't want to scream. I didn't want them to have that pleasure. I squeezed my eyes tightly and prayed to God, and I rarely did. "No, no, that won't do. Information first." I opened my eyes and glared at him. "What do you want to know?" "Who was that boy?"

"I don't know his name. He wouldn't tell me. I didn't ask. I don't know!"

"Where are we right now?" He asked.

"In a room?" I was reckless. The guards moved towards me but the man shook his head and laughed.

"Really? You don't want to be stupid Alex... We made a deal."

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Comments (6)

This is beyond amazing!
on June 17, 2014
You have such good talent!!
on April 24, 2013
on April 10, 2013
***oops I meant write, :)
on January 12, 2013
Please wright more!!
on January 12, 2013
Awesome story!:)
on December 09, 2012