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Hey I'm Anna Still this is how I became Minna (Mena). So plz read and Thanks for listening. Sorry this is my first story so ... yurp

published on April 04, 201445 reads 11 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 5.
what's happening?

what's happening?

"Remember. Minna, I'm only saving you." He whispered into my ear.
"Help! Somebody help me!" I yelled. " Somebody listen. Help me...please." The party went on ignoring me.
"Come on. Peter, do it already." Cory rushed.
" I'm only helping, Minna." Peter spoke once again as he put the knife to my throat." Sorry." He then slid the knife against my throat, and dropped me to the ground. I was suffocating on my own blood. Peter and Cory watched as I suffered along with whoever was watching the video. I became dizzy and then the pain stopped. I stood up and watched the two boys in confusion.
" Nice job." Cory patted Peter on the back then turned off the camera. They both got up, and went inside. Three seconds later I heard. "she's dead!" and cheering. Who's dead? Wait. I turned around to see me laying near the side of the house with blood all over me. No. No. No.NO.NO.NO! This isn't happening. This is a dream. That's it. Yeah, just a dream. I'll wake up. I didn't die. I'm not dead. I'm just asleep...yeah. I walked over to my sledge hammer and slung it over my shoulder. It felt lighter somehow. I went back into the party just to prove that someone will see me. Nobody saw me they just kept dancing, nobody tried to beat me up, not even a glance. I waved my hand in front of someone's face, no reaction. I took a couple steps back and bumped into somebody else. They just shrugged and kept dancing. Am I really dead?
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Comments (2)

on April 21, 2014
Cool story so far
on April 21, 2014