The Insane Ride

The Insane Ride

This will make you crack up, I swear. My friend is still not getting near a horse do this day!

published on February 17, 201323 reads 12 readers 5 completed
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Chapter 3.

The Worst Part

The worst happened. Cassie started to buck and rear and do everything to make her fly off. After about the 5th time she finally flew off into, you won't get how ironic this is unless you know her, she fell into a mud puddle. I know it sounds like the thing that happens in every single cartoon to make it interesting but that is what makes it all the more funny. After I made sure she was OK I started CRACKING UP!!! She was steaming. She got mud ALL OVER her self! After about 5 more minutes of laughing I said this, "Alright we gotta get back on, we are pretty far from home and we have to get back." "No way! I am never getting back on that horse EVER again!!!!!" "All right all right, we'll switch!" After we got back home she called her Mom and left, and believe me, she will never forgive me for that, EVER!
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Comments (5)

i physically cant read this is hurts me to do so
on July 12, 2015
Lol, too bad your friend doesn't want to go near horses!! I love horses and have fallen off, but I broke my elbow :l
Shoulda found out HOW to fall.
on October 31, 2013
: D
on February 18, 2013
haha thx keara
on February 18, 2013
LOL! So funny! It shows that you are more of a horse lover than her! She wouldn't succeed in horse riding in the Olympics : D
on February 17, 2013