School chaos

this is one of my old stories, but basically when Jaz and some of her friends walk to school, they notice that somethings not right, what happens when someone takes over their school? and are looking for someone? Also *** means new part or changing povs.

published on October 25, 20185 reads 4 readers 0 not completed
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School chaos
Chapter 4.

the start of punishment and a choice

I slowly opened up my eyes and sat up. I had no idea how long I was out for but I know that my head hurt a little still. I looked around; everything looked dark, with some light areas. I then looked at myself, I has some cuts on me and I also had some bruises. All of a sudden, the door opens and in comes Eggman with some of his robots. They all looked at me and smiled evilly. “So, you don’t know who this blue hedgehog is?” “No, what do you want, Eggman?” Eggman just smirked “Simple, tell me where the blue hedgehog is and I’ll let you go. If you don’t tell me, well then I’ll make it hard, painful and hurt lots for you. I’ll give you an example” Eggman click his fingers then two robots step forward and zap me with lasers. They then zap me seven more times than they stop. “Ok, now where’s the blue hedgehog?” I just looked at Eggman and replied very shaky “I-I d-don’t know where t-the blue hedgehog is. I don’t e-even know the b-blue hedgehog” Eggman just frowned but then looked at all the robots and nodded. “Very well, I’ll be back later. For now, have fun’ and with that, he left. As soon as the door was shut, the robots came closer. That’s when I knew I was in trouble. Also, I was about to feel pain and lots of it.
Eggman grinned to himself. “I think I know how to make that hedgehog come here. I’ll just used someone as bait to get the attention. This is going to fun, hohoho’ Eggman walked to his office. It was so quiet, the only thing you could hear was crying, yelling and screaming in pain coming from the building where Jaz was. Then it all went quiet, in fact very quiet. Then, the robots walked out of the building where Jaz was and went to Eggman’s office. “EgGmAn, We HaVe fInIsHEd “Eggman turned around and grinned “Good. Now let’s see if we can get some attention from the hedgehog. Turn on the microphones and make sure their on max volume.” “Greetings everyone, I have some good news. If you know where the blue hedgehog is, then please tell me. Now Blue hedgehog, I know you’re out there. So why don’t you show yourself because the longer you take. The more one of the hostages takes punishment and I mean punishment. So it’s all up to you, blue hedgehog”
Somewhere close by, a hedgehog was relaxing against a tree. He was also listening out for his arch-enemy, Eggman. “Ahhh, so far Eggman hasn’t cause any trouble yet. But I have a bad feeling he’s planning something big.” The hedgehog decided to have a quick nap while still listening for trouble. After about ten minutes, the hedgehog woke up and stretched “what a wonderful nap. Hmm…where should I go now?” Just then, the hedgehog heard Eggman though a microphone and the hedgehog wasn’t happy. “So, Egghead is going to hurt one of the hostages that he has. I wonder who it could be that Egghead is hurting? Well, whoever it is, Egghead is going to pay big time.” So the hedgehog raced off to the school. On the way there, he decided to tell his friend, Tails, where he was off too. Then he ran towards the school to save the hostages.
In the room where Eggman’s robots had put me. I was so sore, in lots of pain and agony. Just then the door opens and lots of robots come in. Like before, they did the same thing, only this time, it was worse. I started crying because it was the only thing I could do. I try to yell but nothing came out, screaming, I couldn’t do and if I tried to defend myself. Or try to strike back, the robots only would only make it worse for me. If only there was someone or something that was coming to save me. Just then, everything around me started becoming a blur, then everything went black. I passed out.
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