the games

the games

just a story about the hunger games enjoy and comment please read bye

published on February 16, 201455 reads 23 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 5.

the games with a fun twist

when i got to my pedastool were the pedastool was supposed to be was a kitty made of mentor said bye weird name hope you like jumping because you will be doing that about now. get on the cat now. i got on the cat and the cat meowed and jumped so fast  when i got up my stomach hurt then i looked up and the world was a crystal ...........ok start taking me seriusly start taking me seriusly it was a giant mirror and the weapons were nerf rebelles and soda cans. 22 of us stepped of the pedastool and blew into bits of glitter.the 2 of us remaining were the girl from district one and me and thresh. 5,4,3,3,1,start whoever gets hit loses and still lives we have been getting complaint letters about the killing  so start nerf wars ,now.  i shot thresh so he lost and then i shot the district 1 girl. i won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!see ya soon
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