Anti-Bullying Campaign

Anti-Bullying Campaign

Here are some things to STOP bullying once and for all! I just hope it works. :)

published on December 10, 201344 reads 14 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 4.


If you stand up to bullies you are a superhero. A superhero does not need x-ray vision or heat rays. A superhero needs to help others in need. Anyone can be a superhero. Even if you don't leave your home, you could  help against cyberbullying. I am a superhero. You are a superhero. We all can be a superhero. Stop bullying! Send this message to your friends!^
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Comments (2)

I want bullying to stop too. The internet is the best place to start!
on May 10, 2014
That's so sweet!!! :D That's all so cool!
on December 10, 2013