Tale of a Gorgon; MEDUSA

Tale of a Gorgon; MEDUSA

She is often mistaken and judged based on her horrid appearance!! But here is her story; how the beautiful Medusa became the terrifying Medusa... If you are not used to the numerous Greek gods and goddesses then go to the last chapter for a quick glossary.

published on November 11, 201377 reads 16 readers 5 completed
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Chapter 3.
The downfall

The downfall

Medusa's white, pure, silk dress fluttered as Poseidon was coming closer and closer. He looked into her eyes with the intention of seducing her. Touching her left arm with his fingertips, he drew closer to her and whispered in her ears: "You are prettier than the rumors say."
"I am indeed the most beautiful girl this country has ever seen," said Medusa gaining back her strength and confidence as soon as her beauty was mentioned.
"I shall turn you from beautiful girl to beautiful woman," on saying these words Poseidon seized Medusa by the arm and shoved her on the floor in front of the goddess' statue. He grabbed her firmly and held her in the temple of Athena.

Medusa was horrified. She screamed and yelled and cried but in vain. Her tears flowed and the floor was wet from her sweat, struggle and tears. She could feel that man controlling every part of her body and tainting her chastity. The horrible aspect of what was happening to her suddenly made her aware of her state and reality: she was being raped!!

For a moment she thought: "Would this have happened had I not been so beautiful? No, this would not have happened had i not boasted about my beauty and had the rumors of my beauty not entered the ears of the god of the sea!!"

With the helplessness of a woman being manhandled roughly, Medusa screamed in agony and let more tears and sweat soil the sanctity of the temple. Poseidon was enjoying himself as much as Medusa was suffering from his grasp.
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Comments (5)

thanks Ivy_and_daisy ... i'm glad u read it too :)
on November 18, 2013
Wow i didn't know too much about medusa great idea to make a story about her!
on November 17, 2013
i actually love medusa. once as results in a quiz i was said to be a gorgon :D and i got the idea to write the story of a gorgon.. ;)
on November 12, 2013
yea i found it cruel of athena to do that too and i think poseidon should have been the one to be punished but i guess what makes the story interesting is medusa being the victim etc :)
on November 12, 2013
i remember this legend. i saw this legend on wikipedia when i was researching athena. i think it was cruel of athena doing that but i think it was called for. it was cruel,but good 4 medusa.
on November 11, 2013