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A woman comes close to being assaulted by a hitchhiker. Phgvfhbjnmjhngbvfggbhnjm

published on September 28, 201343 reads 14 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 5.

Example 5

Just to make you all aware -

Last week in the Asda car park at Owlcotes, a lady returned to her car to find the window broken. A helpful man at the side of the car said he had seen someone tampering with it and had remained with the vehicle to make sure no-one did any further damage.

The lady was very grateful and when the man asked for a lift he was quite disappointed she was in a rush and going in the wrong direction and could not return the favour.

It was only when she got home that she noticed in the pouch behind the seat a piece of rope and a knife.
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