Runaway Bride... (heart-breaking + funny + betrayal +lurv etc.)

Runaway Bride... (heart-breaking + funny + betrayal +lurv etc.)

Everyone goes blurry, slowly I push George away from me and run out of the huge hall. "KATHERINE!" ... It's time for a new start. A new place. A new life... And I'm NEVER coming back! ~Something tragic happened on Katherine's wedding day, she's started a new life with a new boyfriend, started uni and got 2 fab b.f.f.l's !!! But everything goes upside down when Goerge her ex-husband to be, arrives.~

published on June 01, 2013167 reads 24 readers 14 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Chapter 4

(listen to cher loyd oath) "WHAT!!!" Tanya shrieks before picking up a sparkling emerald tankini and a red revealing bikini. She wrinkles her nose and chucks them at Tash. Trying to change the subject i offer, "They were both pretty dashing with your brunette hair and eyes." Tanya shakes her head, "The first is a TANKini, friggin sake, and the red is too plain. I like a bit of sequins" I laugh but I notice Tash staring at me. Tanya is easily distracted by fashion talk but Tash,no.

She clears her throat, "Back to Katherine." Tanya blushes and puts down the sunflower yellow bikini she was picking up. "Why are you doing this Kath? Why would you create more pain for yourself?" Tanya gently says, sitting down on the couch beside me. A tear slithers down my cheek. "I've missed them so much. All of them. Even her. her." I turn to look at them through blurred eyes as they gasp. Tash bites her lips and stares at me with concern.

She leaves the room, probably to get something. Tanya wrapps her arm around me and I smell her honey and expensive perfume smell. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Well, their sending L-Le- My twin to auntie Rose, they understand I don't want her there." Tanya nodds and Tash comes back with one mug of hot chocolate. Tash's hot chocolates are the best, they always end up creamy with just the right amount of froth on top and a floaty marshmellow on top, which seems to have dissapeared. I giggle as I look at her bulging mouth. "Sorry...couldn't help it.." she munches.

"What do you think guys? What would you do?" Tash pulls a face, "I feel like I'm in an exam" Tanya nudges her as I smile. "I wouldn't go, I'd tell them to come here, hey why don't you do that!?" Tanya bounces up and down, her ringlets flying all over the place. I shake my head, "No, i wan't to see all my family and most of them are there, the others in california. Also, this might sound weird, but I don't want my life over here and my life over their to get mixed up and interfere with eachother, I want them both away from each other..."

Tash picks up a superhero man that fell out of my KFC salad. (She's probably washed it and put on hand gel) "Your him." Huh? I'm offended. That guy has the worst smile ever and his muscles bulge out of his clothes, plus he's a male. "Your strong, you can go through everything. I'd run a mile when my mum answered the phone, but nu-uh, not you. Your a kinda superhero." I don't feel offended anymore and look at her with a smile.

"Now, this or this?" Tanya picks up a short skater skirt and I black mini skirt.


Sighing, I flopp onto my bed, exasperated. There's literaly nothing nice in my wardrobe. Where my old home is, it's sunny, but over here it rains so much half my wardrobe is winter clothes. I'm not going home in a fluffy pink jumper, a anorak and extra thick wooly leggins.

Tanya bursts into the room, her manicured hands holding a credit card. "Hurry up, let's hit thew mall!" I shove on a jumper with sleeves up to the elbow and my fave woolly leggins. Tash ties my hair into a high ponytail and lends me a nice band, we call Tash to get ready and we hit the mall.

"Which one?" I sigh, my eyes darting between a tight turqouise tube top that goes good with my hair and eyes, and a silky black sheer crop-top. They both look so beautiful, but so expensive. Feeling bold, I go up to a guy with emo hair and moody dark brown eyes. "Which one will look fab on me?" He gives a half smile, "You know me, being an emo, I prefer the black." I raise my eyebrows, "if this was turqouise which would you pick?" He raises his peirced eyebrow, "But it aint is it?" "Yeh but-" "I told you my answer, now buzz off blondie" I swish my ponytail in his face, "and for that, i'm picking the opposite of what you said, the turqouise tube top! Adios!"

Tanya grabbs my wrist and hurries me towards another shop in this 5 floored mall. "Wait, I haven't payed!" Tanya doesn't listen. "Its a fab, original pauls boutique bag for only 65 pounds!!!!" I try to wriggle free but Tanya's grasp is way too tight and when she drags me out of the shop a machine beeps because I have an unpayed itemn in my hands.  Security gaurds jump out from every corner and they trap me and Tanya. "Thanks..." I hiss, my cheeks heating up. I can see the emo guy staring at me through the shop window, smirking. I fumble in my purse for some notes, "Here's the money, I've payed you ten pound extra for the hassle- Now can you let go of me?" I shriek, before they drop us, take my money and leave. Tanya giggles, "If it's any comfort, they guy who was pinning me down was quite a dish!" I stare back at the emo guy and stick my toungue out. He rolls his eyes and mimicks swishing his pony. Goddeh.

Tash rushes out of a hello kitty store with a cute, mini hello kitty tutu-skirt. It actualy looks quite funky. "You two attempted to steal! I saw you through the shop window." I tell her the story before following Tanya as she rushes into the Pauls Boutique store. After she gets her precious Pauls boutique bag, me and Tash both buy a pair of furry boots and then all 3 of us get charm bracelets (Tanya's a juicy red with chunky hearts and mini high-heels dangling from it, Tash's pink with hello kitty and huge pearls jangling from it, and mine turqouise with diamonds and a broken heart on eather side which fit together to make a locket)

We stride towards the nearest caf, and flop onto the nearest table. Tanya fishes out her sparkling ipod and presses play. Cher Loyd Oath comes up. "My best freind best freind till the very end!" We cheer and link arms. "Great song!" I laugh and we start singing along. People turn to stare at us but we don't care, we carry on singing like cats dying. Tanya has a mischieviouse glint in her eye. "Truth or dare!" Tash highfives her and they both turn to look at me. Tanya sucks in her cheeks. "Hmmm... Go up to that dish over there, make convo." Giggling, I say, "No way! Richard!" Tash grins, "It's only a convo!"

The song playing pumps adreneline into my veins and I stand up.I flick my hair saucily out of my face and sashay towards the yummy-looking blonde boy over their. He has a mopp of blonde hair and huge brown eyes, he's tanned with a funky hoodie and chino's on. Still, noone can beat Richard in buffness. Daring, I sidle up on the seat next to him. He looks surprised. "Yolo!" My only explanation. He cocks his head to one side, looking hungry. "Name? Cute one!" Pouting my lips I respond, "Think of me as anonymouse!" He laughs, showing off his pearly teeth, "I prefer Cinderella!" He leans in closer in his chair, "Soo, what music you into?" "Cher Loyd, Nicki, Demmi, why? Wanna buy me a track for a special prezzie to make me swooon over youh!" He sgives a cheeky grin, "No, it gives me an oppurtunity to do this!" He fishes out his snazzy ipod and plugs in some earphones, then puts the left side in my ear and the right side in his ear. We're so close I can feel his cheek on mine. He scrolls down amd presses Cher Lloyd Oath. "Why don't we make an oath?" He murmurs. I'm lost in the music so it takes me a few mins to reply, "Aiight." "Oath to call me." "I oath to call you," He grins. "I oath to call you. You like me." Gosh some people are so cocky. I roll my eyes, "I have a boyfreind so no, but ur kinda right, I like you as a freind now gimme ur number!" He looks shocked, but recovers quickly and passes me his phone embarresed. We exchange numbers and I stride back to Tash and Tanya.

Tanya looks impressed, "I never said that long." Tash drowns her out with more horrible singing and I sing along with it. We burst out of the cafe singing, laughing, refreshed and happy.
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Comments (14)

I want her to be with richard!!!!!!!
on January 14, 2014
I wanted her to be with Richard so bad
on January 08, 2014
on October 19, 2013
Richard! But nice story!
on July 29, 2013
Epic story!!!!!!!
on July 17, 2013
good job
on June 06, 2013
Awesome!!!:) I loved it:P
on June 03, 2013
Llawl, ty for the comments guys!!!! xx If u don't like it btw, give me some feedback x
on June 02, 2013
i do not like it plus i like it i cant chose :">
on June 02, 2013
Probably jot xD jsut a random guess. Actually the first person that came to mind xD
on June 02, 2013
I think Richard is agent 009 maybe
on June 02, 2013
on June 02, 2013
OMG ty x :)
on June 01, 2013
read the first chapter. awesome so far! :)
on June 01, 2013