threebeltking's Questions - Page 2

threebeltking asked 105 questions
Who else on qfeast has 130+ polls?
I made a poll asking how many polls people had and one other person had 130+! I am wondering who.
2 / 0
What are some characters for a story?
I want to write a story, and I don't have many characters and are in need of more. Could you please give me some charcters by filling out the questions bellow? I will try to make sure that all of the charcters will be included....
5 / 0
Why do people swear?
I think its just admitting your too stupid to think of a creative way to express your feelings. I will never swear in my life!
10 / 2
Why do people like McDonalds?
my sis always asks this, I can never say why! Please help! shes driving me nut!
18 / 32
What anime are the twins in the picture from?
i really like this picture and have seen others with the sames girls, what are they from?
2 / 3
What is the absolute opposite religion than christianity?
that is not atheism!
8 / 1
Wha is so amazing about one piece?
3 / 1
Who has created the most polls on qfeast?
i have 138 at the moment and im wondering who has the most.
4 / 0
How long have you loved your fandoms?
8 / 8
What are some goods dystopian books with competitions in them
I love dystopian books with competitions or riddles where someones life is on the line. ex, i have read: the hunger games, divergent, the maze runner, legend what are some more like that?
1 / 0
How many Fairy Tail books were made into anime?
I've read the books up to #40, there are 47 and more being made, the anime is still going, im wondering what part they're at and if I've past the anime
1 / 0
Why does everyone keep posting the blue and black dress everywhere?
every where i look on lie theres that blue and black dress! what so special about it?
2 / 0
Where is another Peter Pan fan?
i have memorized so much of peter pan and it has been my absolute favourite book since i was 3! is there anyone out there that loves it as much as me? Please answer even if you know someone! i need to know someone who love the ...
0 / 0 profile question
What anime has better theme songs?
i think blaxk rock shooter's theme song has REALLY good lyrics! really modivational. I also like fairy tail opening 6!
3 / 2 profile question
Why does everyone have a phone?
Even kindergadeners have phones now! Why not just have a family phone and computer? It's so annoying when i go over to other peoples house and all they do is play on their phone!
16 / 14
What anime is most popular of all time?
this is not What you FAVORITE anime is but what anime is most popular.
5 / 0 profile question
What manga should i read?
I love fairy tail, sword art online (i've only seen 10 anime) and full moon o sagashite. Also I've just started no game no life and black rock shooter. I've read full moon and is reading fairy tail (book #27) and I've placed a ...
8 / 0 profile question
Why did you read The Hunger Games?
I was walking i a mall after buying some new shoes (i rarely go in malls though) and I past by a book store, naturally I was instantly drawn by the smell and all the Ideas and stories that were pouring out, waiting to be freed....
8 / 0
what was the worst realization ever?
Princess leia is a Disney princess!
7 / 2
What do you call a mix between a nerd and a geek?
I need a better thing than to say i'm a nerdy geek!
8 / 4