I want to lose weight fast

I want to lose weight fast

I am almost 13 and I was thinking that since it is fall it is the best time to lose some weight but thanksgiving is soon so is Christmas so if you have any exercises that help lose belly fat and weight plz share them. My goal is to lose 50 Pounds before summer.

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Well...if the doctors wanted you lose weight or lose some belly fat from some kind of important health situation...then only way to do that is to try not to snack a lot because it can gain more pounds...but to keep your diet well balanced is to eat healthy food like fruit, veggies, and some home made cooked meat like stake, pork chops, sea food...any kind of fresh meat that is cooked and home made...you also might need some calcium for your bones just in case as well...drinking See More▼
You could try jumping jacks, you could try using a jump rope, you can do jogging, swimming, sit ups, push ups, pull ups, dancing is also kinda like exercising because you move around and have fun, same thing with karate, you could even try tennis, boxing, skating, maybe some weight lifting, rock climbing or some skiing practice on the snow if there is any and See More▼
on November 25, 2018
on November 25, 2018
Yeetus deletus you are happy with your self
(I don’t know)
I run around a lot so try that?
on November 22, 2018
You can do push-ups and sit-ups
It might be hard since err...you are probably a girl...I'm a boy saiyan BTW
on November 21, 2018
You don't have to lose weight to look beautiful. Just enjoy yourself. If you want to be healthier then eat more fruit, vegetables etc. but please don't starve yourself okay? If you feel comfortable doing it then you can also do a workout that you like, try Zumba for example. But don't force yourself if you don't feel healthy.
on November 21, 2018