Not sure if this is a crush or true love?

Not sure if this is a crush or true love?

I go to school with this guy & I have liked him since middle school. He is a junior & I am a senior. He has always had a girlfriend, so I could never try to get with him. But, about two years ago he broke up with a girl from middle school. Then we started just talking. But nothing to deep. Then last year, I asked him if he had a snapchat & we added each other?. Two months passed, and he got a girlfriend. I still talk to him to this day & he has sent me blushy faces & smiles at me at school. But I need to know, do I need to drop all these feelings over him or continue to crush.. Please help me?

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Answers (3)

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on March 01, 2018
He probably thinks or you as a good friend, and if he does like you and ends up asking you out eventualy he'll loose interest, but that's just what i think
Thanks? But I'll probably move on, exspecially when I graduate come in a few months.?
on April 07, 2016
on April 07, 2016
It's a crush. Why do you like him? What kind of stuff do you talk about? How often do you think about? What do you think about when you think about him?
I like him because he is caring & he plays sports. I find him to be the perfect guy. We don't talk about nothing deep, just basic stuff. Like; what you doing this weekend or how are you. I think about him a lot, which I feel like I do too much. I think that we would be really good together, but I'm just not sure.
on April 07, 2016
on April 07, 2016