Do you think that young kids should play video games rated T and up? Why or why not? What do you think? Should little kids play Rated M games? Or do you think it's not appropriate? Let me know what you think. Make sure you tell why!

Answers (2)

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To me, it depends on how mature the kid is. If the kid knows not to reenact things they see in video games and they know that it's just a game, then it shouldn't be a huge issue. However, if a 16 year old starts blowing stuff up and killing people all because of what he or she saw in a video game, then that's a problem. In my opinion, video games don't really cause violence. I think that movies and TV are more influential than video games. Anyways, like I was saying, you shouldn't See More
on July 25, 2016
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It's depends on the content of the game. Realistic violence (Stuff like Call of Duty) 13+. Fantasy violence (Zelda: Twilight Princess): Eh, maybe 9+. It also depends on what the kids find "Scary". I know someone who was terrified of toon Ganon.
on July 25, 2016
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