Help ME Please (1)

ok, there is this kid at school. She used to be my friend. Lets begin with the story. So, i told someone who she liked and that C*nt i told is another story. That C*nt told my ex-bestfriend that i told EVERYONE who she liked. She started ignoring me.So someone randomly told someone her phone number and she blamed it on me. She wrote me a stupid message on my instagram account right? so i posted what she said so she would get my reply! My friends were sticking up for me and she told them to piss off! The next day, that weak girl told my friends which split the WHOLE group up and she also told the f***ing teacher! following on the whole class and kinda the school knows what i did but they dont know what she did! now most of the school day i have to be alone and that ex-friend always stares at me, like i was videoing her to see how many time she looks at me and it was like 5 times in 58 seconds... Please help me, i dont know what to do

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Answers (4)

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First, take a breath. Good? Ok, so now that you are the most critical things: calm, cool, and collected, you can talk to your friend. First off, if you try to actually talk (not yell, lecture, accuse, or interrogate) you can often find out the entirety of the situation or explain yourself. Many times with people like this though, THEY will blow up. When they do, remain calm (why? First, then you have the upperhand in the conversation and you will know who they are really. Second, See More▼
on September 16, 2014
I guess the first step would be to apologize. Even if she doesn't accept it, you put your foot forward so then it rests on her. If your friends don't talk to you anymore, I believe you should tell them what really happened. If they don't believe you then you need new friends.
Don't worry about it over all, the word will fade away eventually.
I hope this helped you in some way. :)
on September 16, 2014
You got to apologise. Doesn't matter how much of it was your fault, but it's a good option. You did tell someone who she liked, and even if it wasn't your fault how it got round - you take the fall for it. Just say sorry, can't hurt, and you'll get your friends back.
on September 15, 2014
There are two options.
1) making up with her by explaining everything that happened and apologizing for what you actually did do
2) find new friends or just get obsessed with some fandom
on September 15, 2014