Should Ji-Li have written a Da Zi Bao against her family? Read desc Ji-Li Jiang is a book set when her country was banning traditional culture. In the early chapters, every child in her neighborhood writes a Da Zi Bao, which proclaims their hate for their teachers. The Da Zi Bao is similar to posting an "fff yoo" on somebodys qfeast wall. All the kids who write one are praised, but Ji-Li has nothing to put on her paper. Then later, her family is the most despised by the people because of their history. If Ji-Li had talked smack about her family in a Da Zi Bao, would the other kids have separated her from her "awful", "rich", "anti-progress" family? Would her announcing how much she too despised her family's ways have made the kids stop bullying her? She would be less depressed if she wasn't targeted by the mean kids

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What is this? The description's confusing.
Well, from what I understand though...
Ji-Li should have written something, doesn't matter how bland it was, so as to not stand out among her peers.
I do not know the kids well enough to tell if they'd leave Ji-Li alone if she'd insulted her own family and if that would've worsened the situation for her had they taken her away from her home. Does Ji-Li love her family? Would she be better off braving the bullying and finding comfort at See More
I didn't expect that many people from qfeast to know what I was talking about. Red Scarf Girl is the name of this book, which is about Communist China. It's pretty good and short if you like reading. The description would make more sense after the first three chapters
If so, an excerpt of that book made an appearance in Brazil's school textbooks. XD
on May 25, 2018
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Ah... I think my history teacher recommended it last year.
That's why it sounded so familiar!
The setting is during Mao Zedong's reign if I'm correct?
When everyone was scrambling for scrap metal?
on May 25, 2018
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on May 23, 2018
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on May 23, 2018
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