If you could pick one emotion for the rest of your life, what would it be?

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Depression....but...I'm afraid that...I already have that kind of feeling...like I always have been...but tries to pretend that I'm happy even though...it hurts...and it's hard of getting used to within reality like this...?
Oh, are you sure? Tomorrow is only sad if you think it will be! I myself was in a bad place once. NBut i got out of! It's not easy, i mean, it's not just gonna happen, you have to make it. its a choice. I fullheartedly believe you'll make the right one.
Everything else kinda feels the same... because I've been depressed from too long within reality from part of it...it wasn't really that easy for me of getting used to... because the things that I've been through from the inner past...was harder on me then I could ever imagine...always wanting to find a cure for myself and many others that means farther dearly See More▼
on August 21, 2018
on August 20, 2018
on August 20, 2018