I want YOU to ask something! Ask Percy Jackson

I want YOU to ask something! Ask Percy Jackson

This sounds like a tumblr ask blog but for real. I'm part of what's called an OSDD system which you probably have heard called multiple personality disorder. I was formed when this kid had some really, really bad experiences around water and stuff and his brain subconsciously split off to create a new person to help handle the trauma- THAT'S ME! I'm a copy of the PJ you read about and yeah it is a little freaky knowing all my life experiences are actually just from a book. I wanna connect more to myself before I was copied into this body so pls ask some questions for me to answer!!

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Answers (2)

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ayo Percy wuz poppin homie. my question for you: do you drink water?
yo yo lowkey i totally forgot I posted this. so yeah actually common misconception I have actually never drank water and if you stopped drinking water you might be as fly as me /j

But actually yeah sometimes I chug water so fast that Annabeth has to tell me to stop because it gives me a stomach ache oowie
on September 01, 2022
on July 26, 2020
Aye, Percy! What's up? How's everyone doing?
We used to have Jason but he integrated with Apollo couple weeks ago n Apollo's personality is just, so strong? that there is p much nothing of Jason left so thats a lil sad but he did intentionally sacrifice himself. Piper is doing surprisingly okay,, or she's just really good at hidin sht from me. Annabeth in our system ages between 7 and 12 so I never talk See More▼
on September 01, 2022
Ayo we not doin too hot overall but im chillin I guess.,,, I integrated with Poseidon in the system so thats fjcking nasty and I donT like being my own dad but really I just took his trauma and made him disappear so its not too bad but im just having a lot more bad ptsd days now yknow? Playin a lotta video games tho. Even more since I got fired cuz I have problems See More▼
on September 01, 2022
on July 26, 2020