Im making a 2p/1p Hetalia storryyy! XD

If you wanna be in it just give me you're oc, and a brief description.
if you only have a 1p oc, fine!
only 2p, fine!
both, fine!
If i say no you can not its for a pretty good reason.
i have 20 spots!
10 1p's and 10 2p's!
thanks! have a great daaayyy! :3

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Answers (1)

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This sounds like an awesome idea and I'd love to have my OC be in your story!

1p Peru, "The People of the Sun" Human Name: Maria Mulli
Medium brown skin, dark brown eyes and hair; hair is done in a sloppy bun.
Relatively young compared to other countries.
Old fashioned and modern at the same time, though more third than first world.
A crafts woman through and through, from weaving to sculpting to carving. She loves to have her creations sold and going to good use. Peru spends See More▼
I love it! You're oc's have been accepted!
18 spots left peeps!!!
Thank you!
on July 21, 2015
on July 21, 2015
on July 21, 2015