Have you've ever went to a concert, if so how was it like and who played?

Have you've ever went to a concert, if so how was it like and who played?

I went to some but I wanna know what was you're first concert! XD Plus I got super bored :P Plus a real concert sorry like the one with a lot of people in it with mosh pits- Nevermind just a concert that's real not a school performance sorry!

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Answers (2)

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I've seen TobyMac, Lecrae, Skillet, Tedashii, Beautiful Eulogy, and Capital Kings in concert. Dude, I loved it so much! Too bad, I was somewhat sick during the Lecrae one.
on April 29, 2021
well um
ive been to my schools concerts. im a saxophonist.
on March 07, 2016