Do you think D. Trump will start a new war somewhere, like Bush did in Iraq? Is so, where?

Do you think D. Trump will start a new war somewhere, like Bush did in Iraq? Is so, where?

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I heard strong old Asia. I heard it's gonna tear WW3 like McDonald's founder did.
on January 28, 2017
You know You know not every unliked president starts a war. Ronald Reagan didn't start a war but he nearly finished the cold war. So my answer is no I don't think he'll start war since Obama wanted to fight ISIS and I think he'll really take care of this. Possibly even solve our problem with Drones. (By the way. The problem is not with drones themselves it's the number of people that are leaving the program because of the long hours.)
Just a problem with that Ronald Reagan is a good guy.
on July 28, 2017
on December 29, 2016