What's an ableist thing people can do without realizing it?

What's an ableist thing people can do without realizing it?

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Answers (3)

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making fun of people for things they’re scared of (“you’re scared of tight spaces? that’s so dumb lol”)
for teachers, taking off points for stuttering or rocking back and forth while giving presentations
i know a lot but these are the first two that came to mind
on February 27, 2021
"Whats in the past is in the past, get over it!"
Saying that what you went through you shouldn't keep feeling cause its over and done with.
But if something traumatic or Bad happened in your past that still affects you today can't exactly be controlled. I'm sure everyone would rather forget about it then keep thinking about it
on February 27, 2021
ppl always tell me that i shoukd control hitting myself when its just a result of my add
on February 27, 2021