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Okayy, so there's a guy in the grade below me that really likes me. I mean REALLY likes me... I don't like him in that way. I only like him as a friend. He texts me all the time, and stares at me in the hallway. I have NO idea what on earth to do! He keeps on asking me out, but i alway's respond by saying, "Let's just be friends." I wanna be nice, but it's getting annoying, and the mushy stuff he says is getting...weird. If you know what to do please comment ASAP! Thanks! xx

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Answers (9)

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tell him this:hey ummm... i really dont like you that way im so sorry dont worry im sure there is other girls that would love to date you!
on February 15, 2013
Say i am dateing a big hot guy
on December 12, 2012
A wise man told me that at times like this you should be direct whilst hiding the truth. Tell him that you don't want to go out with him but don't use the fact that you don't like him in that way as your reasoning. Instead say something like the immaturity or youth of one or both parties. But don't alienate him- you don't know what he may be like in the future.
on June 19, 2012
Tell him you just want to be friends again. If he keeps annoying you then block his number and ignore him. If he won't back off you need to tell a trusted adult about it.
on April 27, 2014
Well, if you like him then you should say yes to the next time he asks you out. If you don't like him, just say "I'm not into you, I think we should just be friends (To make it more dramatic, say it's not me, it's you or something. xD)."
on March 16, 2014
Ignore him for a while and then when he asks you what's wrong you can say I really just want to be friends but if you keep talking about this crush stuff I will ignore you some more. I know its harsh but he needs to hear it
on September 20, 2013
say no if it gets anoying
on September 15, 2013
if its getting irratating go on a date with him not a pitty but to show if that being just friends would be better and maby you may change your mind of what u think of him, but if hetries to pull anything you dont like let him know,and before you leave tell him what you didnt like that he was texting you all the time and asking you out
I hope this helped
on November 03, 2012
first, i'm in 5th grade and a 2nd grader tried 2 kiss me infront of like everyone :( anyways,you should try 2 explain 2 him you don't wanna date him. try 2 say it nicely and sweetly :)
on June 19, 2012