Does Islam keep balance between the life and the hereafter, requirements of spirit and body?

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Islam is a religion that achieves perfect balance among all the facts in man. As man consists of spirit, body, heart, mind and soul, and as he has two lives a worldly life in which he lives now and a life after his death, so Islam guaranteed happiness to all facts in man and satisfaction of his desires in a perfect precise balance so that no fact exceeds or dominate another.
Early Muslims honored by being contemporary with the light of revelation knew this great perfect method. See More▼
“Therefore, when you are free (from your immediate task), still labor hard. And to your Lord turn (all) your attention.” Surat Asharh, Verses 7, 8.
I.e. when man finishes his duties for himself and for people around him, he shouldn’t tend to amusement, heedlessness and entertainment, but he should hasten to the needs of the spirit by getting nearer and closer See More▼
on May 06, 2014
The prophet (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) mentioned the two things together and said: “Eat, give charity and wear clothes but away from squander and boast.”
4- He should thank God properly after enjoying every favor from God to deserve more from God’s bounty as He promised to grant His grateful servants, He says:
“If you are grateful, I will add See More▼
on May 06, 2014
So we see Islam asks a Muslim to give his own body what it needs from food, drink, wife, residence and other things it needs. A Muslim can marry the most beautiful woman, eat the most tasteful food, drink the best drinks and dwells the most splendid houses on condition that:
1- He gets all this by legal ways accepted by God, and he gets away from prohibited or See More▼
on May 06, 2014
on May 06, 2014
Um, I'm not sure
on May 06, 2014