Does man consist of spirit and body or body and mind?
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man is dual configuration, he consists of an apparent fact which is the body and an interior fact hidden in this body and contains all the unseen facts in man such as spirit, abstract heart, mind, hidden, the most hidden and secret. All the unseen facts in man have a role in serving this entity. Man is a big wide kingdom predominate all the universes of God, he has a symbol dealing with apparent life which is the body and it is formed from the elements of the earth, and he has See More a symbol from the kingdom of God which is from light and it is also made from light, it is the spirit, and he has a symbol that changes, alternates and turns over and over in the worlds of divine names and descriptions, it is the heart, and he has a balance made by God to control the exterior facts of this world, it is the mind.
So we see man has exterior and interior facts and all are vital to him, imam Ali said about this: (You think you are a small creature whereas the whole world is wrapped in you. Your medicine is inside you but you don’t see and your disease is from you but you don’t know.)
So we see man has exterior and interior facts and all are vital to him, imam Ali said about this: (You think you are a small creature whereas the whole world is wrapped in you. Your medicine is inside you but you don’t see and your disease is from you but you don’t know.)
on April 27, 2014