Should I get a Macbook Pro?

Should I get a Macbook Pro?

Hey guys, I really want a MacBook pro. If you don't know what that is, its an apple product and its a really good laptop. I really want it but the price is exspencive. I just wanted to see if you guys thought it was a good idea.

I want to capture beauty and I'm getting a decent camera for my birthday (which is soon). And I'm getting a USB and then putting the photos i took putting them on the USB and then putting them on my laptop.

It's not just that reason I want it.

The good things:


Good graphics.


You can put stickers on it. Really good ones.!

You can get rainbow keyboards by buying them.! They're only 4 dollars.!

And its more comfortable for me!

Bad things:

The price..

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Answers (1)

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My dad has one and they last a good while. He's had it for about five or six years now and it still works fine, so go ahead!
Bugs tend to come up if you mess around with them too much. I myself have a regular Macbook and I can assure you after four years I've had no bugs. My dad hasn't either. Both of us have had to replace our batteries recently since they were worn out but after four/five years of solid use every day, that's to be expected.
on December 01, 2013
Thanks for answering! I'm leaning towards it but not so sure. Some reviews it did say that they sometimes have bugs when you buy them
on November 30, 2013
on November 30, 2013