Do people who happen to be blind turn off and on lights in rooms?

Do people who happen to be blind turn off and on lights in rooms?

Do they do it out of habit because people with them in rooms turn off and on lights, or do they not? And I don't say blind, deaf, or cancerous people. I say people who happen to be blind, deafness, or have cancer, because they are a person, and should not be judged by and adjective that doesn't describe them.

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I'm blind/visually impaired and it's completely fine to call me a blind person. I do turn on and off the lights when I am not wearing my contacts because of course it does help me see better just like everyone else. A lot of people have this assumption that blind people just see black or darkness while that is not true. Most of us are able to make out colors and some shapes.
on August 07, 2015
I'm not blind and I don't have any blind relatives but I'd say no. First of all they wouldn't know if a light was on or not unless it makes that hight pitch whining noise or they can feel the heat coming from the bulb. Besides, what good would it do them? It's not like turning on a light will make the darkness they see any brighter or lighter.
I was asking because when their parents or who ever are showing them a room, the seeing person turns on the light. Usually it makes a noise, and the blind person can tell where the switch is based on that. I was just thinking that since they hang out with mostly seeing people, would they turn on and off lights because they know every one else does??
on November 11, 2012
on November 08, 2012