what are the social,cultural,religous and spiritual views on death and dying

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When man dies, his soul vanishes and then his body is perished and decayed because it is from physical elements so when the abstract facts which is the spirit and what its attaches leave it, its physical elements soon decay and return again to its origin which is dust, as God says:
“From the (earth) did We create you, and into it shall We return you, and from it shall We bring you out once again.” Surat Taha, Verse 55.
But the spirit never dies or gets extinct but it goes to a See More▼
on April 19, 2014
Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife.To get to this afterlife their hearts were weighed against a feather of truth.If you were not worthy then you were devoured by Ammit the Devourer.If you were devoured then your name was forgotten forever.Nowadays,death happens all the time.Drowning in bathtubs,Being left in cars in the sweltering heat,Choking,etc.I think death is a way to escape this world,especially if you lived in pain in this world.
on July 10, 2013
why do you ask anyway?
Bet you anything this was homework
on April 11, 2014
on October 13, 2012
Many people believe in some sort of heaven. Atheists believe that once you die, you are gone, that's it. Some religions and many ones from the olden times believed in reincarnation, where after you die you are reborn as someone or something else. This involves Karma, which is the nicer and better person you are in this life, the better luck and circumstances you will have in the next life.
on October 13, 2012