Happy birthday @psychoticalice Here's your present *throws pie*
on August 09, 2015

on September 30, 2014

psychoticalice added a new chapter to Stranger in my Mirror

It's dripping...
Everyday I hear it and no one else will
I try to call out to them
But they only snicker
Such snide, oh Gallow thee
Temptation is ebbing
But I stand by thee
How can I calm when you quake
How can I laugh when you sorrow
How can I find Joy when you ache
How can I do anything
When all I can hear is that dripping noise. Read Full Chapter
Everyday I hear it and no one else will
I try to call out to them
But they only snicker
Such snide, oh Gallow thee
Temptation is ebbing
But I stand by thee
How can I calm when you quake
How can I laugh when you sorrow
How can I find Joy when you ache
How can I do anything
When all I can hear is that dripping noise. Read Full Chapter
on September 29, 2014

psychoticalice asked a question

Can anyone tell me what i'm suppose to look at? I cant find it :P I'm trying to find wh...
on September 29, 2014

psychoticalice added a new chapter to Where the Rainbow Begins

The Cloudsdale incident
i looked at the device once more, the object was too small, no, it was inconsistent, not enough for this machine, it needs more, but of what? i paced back and forth, thinking over and over on what to do, i need test subjects, not only that, but power, i’m going to ask a lot out of both my friends…
i was asleep on a single cloud, so soft and comfortable, when i heard a high pitched scream that shook me from my dreams, or what was thought it to be, but what i saw made me believe it was all jus... Read Full Chapter
i was asleep on a single cloud, so soft and comfortable, when i heard a high pitched scream that shook me from my dreams, or what was thought it to be, but what i saw made me believe it was all jus... Read Full Chapter
on July 04, 2014

my aunty likes to talk to me
we'd talk all night and even eat noodles
that's always my fav.
they told me I should stop speaking to her
but I wont
lately aunty hasn't been eating her noodles
maybe she's getting sick See More
but I will tell you this
she never sleeps too
she likes to watch me in my sleep
we'd talk all night and even eat noodles
that's always my fav.
they told me I should stop speaking to her
but I wont
lately aunty hasn't been eating her noodles
maybe she's getting sick See More
but I will tell you this
she never sleeps too
she likes to watch me in my sleep
on July 04, 2014

tanks 4 following me :)
on May 20, 2014

You know sometimes I hear voices
sure there are a lot of people around us
but there mouths don't move
I couldn't help but laugh
there eyes don't move either
none of them move!
it's just me See More
me and that thing in the dark that smiles at me
sure there are a lot of people around us
but there mouths don't move
I couldn't help but laugh
there eyes don't move either
none of them move!
it's just me See More
me and that thing in the dark that smiles at me
on May 15, 2014

I tell the one that its alright
that its okay to be afraid
It may be afraid of the things that lurk
how death is unavoidable
they'd replied back
but it came in sobs
then i look at the reflection See More
No one was there
that its okay to be afraid
It may be afraid of the things that lurk
how death is unavoidable
they'd replied back
but it came in sobs
then i look at the reflection See More
No one was there
on May 01, 2014

psychoticalice added a new chapter to Where the Rainbow Begins

Dashing Rainbow
“Hey featherless freak, come on and get it!” a dark brown pony exclaims, holding up a blue ball with a ring of silver on it,
“hey come on man, thats not cool” a small filly exclaims, thin and yet held herself high she had a pale orange coat with mulberry mane, she was looking furious as the older pony was picking on her
“your nothing but a waste of space Basheroo” he states flying a little closer to her
Dasheroo growled and jumped up at him, “It’s Dasheroo!” she exclaims, flapp... Read Full Chapter
“hey come on man, thats not cool” a small filly exclaims, thin and yet held herself high she had a pale orange coat with mulberry mane, she was looking furious as the older pony was picking on her
“your nothing but a waste of space Basheroo” he states flying a little closer to her
Dasheroo growled and jumped up at him, “It’s Dasheroo!” she exclaims, flapp... Read Full Chapter
on February 08, 2014

psychoticalice added a new chapter to Where the Rainbow Begins

Pegasi troubles with a helping filly
in inspected the blueprints closer this time, making sure each mechanism was proportioned the right way and the perimeter matched with the surface area…. science stuff that other pony’s won't touch… I was walking home when i notice three pony’s approaching me, i noticed them right away as the light flickered once on one of there horns, I turned to the side and began walking the other pathway when they stopped me,
“where do you think your going Rainbowcrash!” one of them shouts, cornering... Read Full Chapter
“where do you think your going Rainbowcrash!” one of them shouts, cornering... Read Full Chapter
on February 08, 2014

In the wretched feat of mortality
there is a reaching distance to immortality
that is
if you are willing to die.
there is a reaching distance to immortality
that is
if you are willing to die.
on February 04, 2014

Hey the new chap for Celestrians is up!!

Awesome!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:P srry I haven't been on lately, school finally blocked this site and my brother hogs the computer :P
on February 02, 2014
on January 28, 2014

To Every Writer
"Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open."
Never give up on your dreams, because they make the best stories.
Spam started by Celest_Stories
"Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open."
Never give up on your dreams, because they make the best stories.
Spam started by Celest_Stories

uh huh... don't know what to write there, but once I read that I feel like I have neglected my once past writings, I used to write comedy stories, things I wrote to make my sis and me laugh, but now, looking at my work I kinda feel weird with all the gore and psychological out put I went about in it. maybe i'll try to write some comedy/romance sometime, my sis See More has been dieing to find something to read :P
on February 02, 2014
on January 25, 2014

psychoticalice created a poll

Another Note readers! Do you believe that Beyond Birthday is dead in the death note? an...
on January 24, 2014

Your page backround looks cool. I like the colors
on January 23, 2014

Forever alone was a soul
wondering around to find a husk
once that is found it searches for a creator
two who would unite to create
once the deed was done
the soul had a body
no a being See More
it searches for a purpose
a search that i am unsure
to find
later on it dies, and begins once more
wondering around to find a husk
once that is found it searches for a creator
two who would unite to create
once the deed was done
the soul had a body
no a being See More
it searches for a purpose
a search that i am unsure
to find
later on it dies, and begins once more
on January 23, 2014

Where are you?

never stay in michalsky's. come down to either do school work or just listen to music on computer
on January 21, 2014
on January 21, 2014