Would We Be Best Friends? (2017 VERSION)

Would We Be Best Friends? (2017 VERSION)

Over a year ago, I made a quiz titled 'Would We Be Friends?' and I realized while looking back over it that my personality has changed. So, here is the 2016 version (I happened to upload it late)--since I am sure I will continue changing--of this quiz that will determine, based on your personality, whether or not I would (generally) enjoy being your friend or not. I still consider myself friends with everyone, but that does not mean I like everyone. Also, I decided to make this quiz determine if we would be best friends rather than friends because I value my best friends over everyone else and am very selective, so I think the results will be more realistic this way. Anyway, if you are honest then your results will be honest. I will see you at the end:)

published on January 08, 201712 responses 2
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You show up to our lunch spot at school and I am already there. The first thing out of your mouth is:

I HATE ____________!!!!
(school/person's name/etc.)
Hey! How are you?
Hey.....I gotta study for my test next period.

Are you religious?

Yes! I go to church every week, pray every day, and participate in other religious activities. My religion guides my
way of thinking as well as my way of life.
Well...I go to church on holidays. Does that count?
Not at all; I am an atheist/agnostic/nonaffliliate.
I am not sure but I am open to all beliefs.

Be HONEST. What is your role in friendships (typically)?

I always contact my friends.
My friends always contact me.

HOW are YOU willing to contact me?

Any social media sites
All of the above

Below is a list of things I may or may not do. Choose the characteristic that you ABSOLUTELY UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES COULD TOLERATE (or, at least, would lessen your liking of me).

Constantly interrupting people without apologizing
Bugging you to do something you said you would
Not talking--despite if you are talking or no one is/awkward silences
Going on your phone when someone is talking to you
Talking about a certain topic such as fashion, video games, etc.--literally anything (you know this is you if something came to

"I am having a bad day."

What happened?
Aw, well tomorrow will be better. Hey, what did you get for #7 on the math homework?

If we have differing opinions on controversial issues such as politics or gay rights (or something very important to you), would you like me less or straight-up not be able to deal with me anymore?

Yes; I would never be able to look at you the same/we could not be friends
No; I respect your opinion so it does not change anything

How do you feel about your family?

They are my everything! I am so grateful for and could not live without them.
I HATE them and cannot wait to move out.
I do not hate or love them, but I still am appreciative.

You REFUSE to talk about

Controversial Issues
The weather or any other small talk topics
None of the above