Can you be my best friend?

Can you be my best friend?

I want to know which one of you guys could be my best friend so that I can find some peoples' tests and quizzes to do, I don't really know what sort of quizzes to do! Please be honest with your answers as much as possible! Both boys and girls can do this quiz, even though I'm a girl. Hehe XD

published on December 08, 201910 responses 2
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What subjects at school do you like?

What subjects at school do you like?
I like English! And Math! Sometimes Art and Music.
Me LOVES Math and Science!!!
Eh, I like my second language.
I like all those subjects that do not exactly have examinations, like Music, Art and Physical Education

Do you like to read?

Do you like to read?
I HATE READING!!!! I'm always forced to read.
I love to read, and I am always told to stop reading, because it's late at night.

Do you have high expectations of yourself?

Do you have high expectations of yourself?
Yes, I get really sad when I don't get the results I want, and my parents tell me not to aim so high.
No, I aim really low and my parents give me their expectations to aim for instead.

What do you look for in a friend?

What do you look for in a friend?
Loyalty, of course. And kindness
A humorous friend will definitely brighten up my day!
Someone who treats me like the king/queen, and respects me a lot.
I like smart and rich people, that way when I'm in trouble in the future, my friend can help me!

What is your typical kind of outfit every day?

What is your typical kind of outfit every day?
A dress of my favourite colour! With a necklace and a bracelet! And high heels!
A normal T-shirt with shorts/jeans, no accessories please. Well maybe sometimes my watch. And my sandals/slippers.
My usual jersey from my favourite sports team, of course! With my sneakers

What is your favourite colour and why?

What is your favourite colour and why?
Red, because it's the colour of fire and blood. Gives me motivation!
Yellow, because it's warm like sunshine and symbolises happiness.
Blue, because it's cool and calm like the ocean. Just the sight of the colour soothes me
Pink, because it's cute and fluffy for a colour, suits me a lot and symbolises love!
Green, because it's the colour of nature and means peace.

Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?

Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
Optimistic. I like to see the bright side of things. I'll stay positive even if anything goes wrong. Every cloud has a silver lining!
Pessimistic. Whatever goes wrong, I'll be really grumpy and disappointed. I'll be negative about everything else.
I'm somewhere in the middle. I won't be too upset if something goes wrong, but I won't give positive comments about the

Are you self conscious?

Are you self conscious?
Yes, very. I get too sensitive when someone seems to be talking about me.
No, not really. I don't really care if anyone is talking behind my back.
I'm somewhere in the middle.

Are you the type to have crushes?

Are you the type to have crushes?
Yes, I get feelings for people easily.
No, I don't really care about boys/girls.
Well...I sometimes get crushes, but not so often.
I don't crush on anyone, I already have a boy/girlfriend!

What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?

What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
I don't eat ice cream.

One more question, which of the below singers do you like best?

One more question, which of the below singers do you like best?
Michael Jackson
JJ Lin
Selena Gomez
Taylor Swift
Stefanie Sun