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Latest on Qfeast - Page 2389

Do you think squidward is boring?
Your answer MUST start in "squidward is" or you will be disqualified, or I will give you a -1 on your answer.
10 / 14
Which Celebrity are you most like? (2)
Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez? Which of these celebrities are you most like? Fine out in this quiz! Hope you enjoy and also, please make sure to comment down below your results! I love hearing them!
67 responses 27
Gummy or Opel Estence
Find out if you are Pinkie's toothless alligator or Rarity's posh kitten
24 responses 6
What quote, morals and things do you live by?
A couple of weeks ago I made a book where I shall keep quotes, morals that I'll live by, respect, that I just like or turn to for advice I would like to know what quotes, moral and things you do the same with. By the way I'm n...
5 / 1
Would you date me?(I'm a Girl!)
:p Just want to see if I'm anyone on here's type. Another test thats just for fun!
34 responses 4
would I date you??(I'm a girl)
Just curious on what people score :) Pretty much just for fun soo yeah!
40 responses 7
whos your greek god parent?
you are a demigod, find out which greek god is your parent. what are your talents and fatal flaws?
106 responses 17
who's better BEN or Link??
I think BEN is better....Just saying! xD But which one do YOU like better??
11 / 2
okay what would you if this happen to you?
okay i have a girlfriend and i call this other girl hot but i was only playing about it because i do that sometimes.. and me being a good person i told my girlfriend about it because i thought we was going to have a good laugh ...
8 / 2
Quotes page
On this page you can share quotes, funny, inspirational, sad or just plain awesome. Shortest page description ever.
2 subscribers 2 members
Synesthesia is a neurological anomaly where two or more of someone's senses get mixed together.
0 subscribers 1 member
pucca suicide
I made this pasta so it can be cool and soon I'll be doing Aya suicide so hope you enjoy!!! (Aya is from Mad Father)
33 reads 28 readers 1
What will your job be? (2)
What will your job be? Will you be a teacher? A doctor? A dentist? Who knows! So that is why I encourage you to take this fun little mini quiz to tell you so! Have Fun! Remember to comment what your results were after!
46 responses 12
How can you get friends if your homeschooled
I'm home schooled and all my old friends I still like some of them but I know this sounds douchie but I need to start a new chapter move on get new friends preferably boy as I get on with them better.
5 / 1
Post and talk about the failtexts you've had with anyone - your mom, dad, grandpa, best friend ... and just hang out!
1 subscriber 2 members
Copyright LunaVonKarma. This fan club may not be copied, referenced, made fun of, or mimicked in any way. Okay, all people who follow me will know that I am a humongous fan of Doctor Who and there isn't anything on Qfeast...
7 subscribers 4 members
Should I be Jeff the killer or The Grudge?
I have no Idea which one I should be cause the make-up for them two is really easy and really fun...Plz tell me cause Halloween is coming up so tell me!!
4 / 0
Who are you from the Akatski?
Who are you? and who do want to be? Well figure out silly and take the quiz!
9 responses 3
Is Snivy a girl or a boy?
I really want to know! Cause in one episode Pikachu fall in love with Snivy so I think Snivys a girl Snivy sounds like a girl so leave the anwsers in the comments tell me!!! (its from Pokemon)
5 / 0
Which member of One Direction are you? (1)
Harry,Liam,Niall,Louis or Zayn?Find out which of the boys you are now!
45 responses 12