Cyber bullying prevention page

This is for people who was bullied and want it to stop, people are dying everyday because of cyber bullying, we need to stop this! Only people who i trust may put some positive stuff on the page, everyone who sees this put CYBER BULLYING NO MORE, to stop the cyber bullying. cyber bullying needs to stop, join me now to stop it on qfeast

The adage, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me” does not apply in the worlds of Internet technology, where false, hurtful, or humiliating comments can go viral and global in just seconds. The problem with cyber bullying is everything. Cyber bullying is bullying. Hiding behind a pretty screen doesn’t make it less hateful. Written words have power. If you have something mean to say, look in the mirror & say it to yourself. Maybe you’ll think twice. See More▼
thank u this is true
on October 21, 2020
on October 21, 2020
We must end cyber bullying its chaos if you join this page then you are helping our cause
sure! @Lil_Blossom
on October 21, 2020
on October 21, 2020