Feminists, Unite!
This is a page for feminists; anybody and everybody who supports gender equality.
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I just want to point out that feminism is not an exact equivilent to gender equality. I posted this earlier, but the wording was completely wrong, so please don't hate me. Gender equality is saying ALL genders are equal, while feminism is saying that WOMEN are equal to men. So please don't intertrade the two terms (is intertrade even a word). Sorry for being a total bitch :/
on February 06, 2016

on July 16, 2015

Yeah. So far I don`t understand why boys get a lot of power when at my school almost all of them are stupid. XD
on July 03, 2015

Females and males are the same and should be treated equally.

@PrincessToast The first thing I saw before the comment was the Hatsune Miku chibi. Or is it not Hatsune Miku chibi?
on June 28, 2015
on June 28, 2015

I rather protest about this stuff because this stuff still happens...
on June 24, 2015

What It's Like To Be A Woman At Night
You may be surprised by what they do to feel safe. Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1itDxqr Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to ...
on June 19, 2015

Um, I am a feminist myself but I think this page is just... unneeded.

I'm just saying, I think this page is unneeded.
on June 14, 2015
on June 13, 2015

I feel sick when in superhero movies and things girls are portrayed as weak people that have to be saved by the hero

or when the girl is the one with the plan and the reason the world is saved but she is too weak to take care of her self that the boy goes and saves the world instead. The worst part is when she doesn't get any credit.
on July 03, 2015
on June 12, 2015

on June 12, 2015

I would not consider myself a feminist, but I would like to look at this page. I support gender rights, rather than women getting equal treatment as men. Yes, I do believe in that, but not as strongly as all the genders getting writes and being reconized.

But it's a bigger issue for women, and it's ok if we get one measly moment since they've gotten away with practically putting themselves on top for literally ever. It seriously annoys me when people are upset at people for saying girls rule because honestly we can have one fricking bit of recognition (I know this isn't really to do with what you said). I think See More it's ok if we have a few benefits for ONCE.
on June 24, 2015

on June 24, 2015
on June 12, 2015

on June 12, 2015

Gender inequality can be in the form of many ways, from back when women weren't allowed to vote, up until boys start to tell girls that they can't play soccer with them. Small things can lead to big things and this is why we need to do more than the big things. Join a soccer game (or any other sport), do whatever the boys seem to think girls aren't worthy of, prove them wrong. Make sure all forms of gender inequality are gone.
on June 12, 2015

I'm not saying all guys are like this, but I think it's SUPER ANNOYING that some guys think that they are better than us girls. Why can't we all be equal???
on February 07, 2016
on February 07, 2016

@TransgenderAvenger I'm not saying all guys are bad. But when they are some of the bad ones, they can be the worst. Specially those guys against Women's rights. -_-
on February 07, 2016
on February 06, 2016
on June 11, 2015

This video proves that it is not just women suffering from gender stereotypes.

Men's Standards Of Beauty Around The World
An international cast of gorgeous male models shows just how drastically the physical attributes of the "ideal man" vary across 12 different countries. Make ...
on June 11, 2015