The Homework Helpers!
Hey! Do you have tons of homework that you need help with?? Well, you've come to the right place! If you need help with homework or you would like to help people do to their homework, then this page is for you! A reply will usually be given in 24 hours or less. :)

anyone need help?!?

I hate it with a burning passion! I'm getting off the Internet now! Bye bye I shall speak wothny anon lol
on April 23, 2013
on April 22, 2013

how do u make gummy sweets?
im doing rainforests and i need 2 make creepy crawly sweets!
im doing rainforests and i need 2 make creepy crawly sweets!

check out this website it tells you how to make them too!
on April 22, 2013

on April 10, 2013

Wait, can you give me a bit more info? Do you have to make 'candy' that look like 'creepy crawlies'?
on April 03, 2013
on April 03, 2013

So... who needs help?!

Hi. This is a great place to find someone to help you with your homework!
on December 12, 2022
on March 01, 2013
For the poem one what they are asking is that you make up another part to the poem (A verse) and just use big describing words such as fluffy or soft referring to a cat.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
wool of bat, and tongue of dog, See More
Adder's fork, and blind- worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell- broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
It says here that I have to make up a 2nd verse using powerful adjectives and noun phrases,
but I am really stuck! Can you help start me off,
and in maths I have to do:
(EN= 73)
Can you do it for me?
Marquette, Marquette
Born in Laon, France
In 1635
Let's all do a dance See More
Jolliet, Jolliet
Was a fur trader
He was born in Quebec, Canada
In 1645
The reason they explored
Was quite very simple
Marquette wanted to spread the word of God
And Jolliet wanted to trade
They row, row, rowed canoes
Down the Mississippi
They also talked with the natives
Do do do do do
Marquette and Jolliet
Explored the Mississippi
But they had to stop because of the Spanish
Do do do do do
Marquette and Jolliet
Explored the Great Lakes
And parts of Illinois
And Wisconsin too
Marquette and Jolliet
Explored for 13 years
From 1666
To 1625
Marquette and Jolliet
Were the first Europeans
To explore the Mississippi
In birch bark canoes
Michigan, Michigan
Was named after Marquette
And Illinois named after Jolliet
A long time ago
Marquette, Marquette
Died in 1675
And Jolliet in 1700
And that was the end.