lorisxl's Starred Questions

lorisxl has 5 starred questions
What book should I read?
I'd like to know. I like books about animas, war diaries and the odd scary ones! Thanx~ keara
23 / 16 profile question
Who says "MATHS" instead of math?
I do.
16 / 3
Whats your lucky number?
59 / 17
Is there a way 2 report people 4 swearing or being inapropriat?
So I've been seeing some people saying bad stuff and i wanted 2 know if thers like a way 2 report it. Thank You :)
7 / 5
Am I a nerd???????????
I love to read, I always do my homework, I acuatlly like sceince and maths and I want to be a scientist when I grow up. Not to mention I wear glasses for reading and Im always the teachers pet. Please help me out here!!!! Am I ...
33 / 45