About girlyboygirl

  • I'm a nineteen year old girl who was brought up as a boy. I always knew I was never a boy and I got onto blockers at fourteen which stopped me going through puberty as a boy. I only ever went through puberty as a girl when I was sixteen and it was then that I went to school as a girl. The story I am writing is in some ways autobiographical in that I wish I could have been a boy who morphed naturally into a girl, but I wanted to try and see it from the point of view of a boy for whom it would be a complete nightmare. It’s good I think to try and write something from someone else’s point of view. It also helps me to accept myself as who I am. I hope the story strikes chords with guys for whom the thought of changing sex would be the worst thing in the world and girls like me for whom it would be the answer to their prayers.
  • Gender Female
  • Born on September 30, 1994
  • Lives in United Kingdom
  • Joined Qfeast on June 19, 2014