
Hi guys? I post random stuff, and ❤️ Emojis‼️
asked a question
I don't have the courage to ask my crush out!
I have liked this guy in my class, and I don't really have the courage to ask him out. Any ideas? To make matters worse, this really annoying, nose picking peeve was listening to a conversation me and my friend were having and ...
0 / 0
on September 28, 2015
created a poll
Do you think there should be a Qfeast app?
Yes! That wo...
Nah, I like ...
It depends...?
33 votes 3
on September 28, 2015
asked a question
Have u had any weird dreams?
I was just wandering, hav you guys had any weird dreams? I had one last week which was just messed up. So, I went to school with no pants on, and a girl lent me some. We went to after school care, and did a history test. Someho...
2 / 0
on September 28, 2015
created a poll
What is your favourite mythical creature?
+ 3 more
8 votes 2
on September 28, 2015
This is a shoutout to my first follower #angelbliss2345??‼️ Follow her now! :D
on September 27, 2015
uploaded a photo
gcris12's Photo 0
on September 27, 2015
created a poll
What is your favourite music genre?
+ 4 more
13 votes 1
on September 27, 2015
asked a question
When will I get my first period? (4)
Hi guys! I am 11 years old and I have almost all of the symptoms. Here they are!: Hair: under my armpits, I have blonde, thin hair. Down there, I have dark, thick hair, and I have so much it looks like a forest! I and getting ...
1 / 1
on September 27, 2015
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are kind and gentle. You are shy but have a lot of friends. You don't like sports but love reading and going on the internet. You love video games and and singing. You love chior and took dance lessons for a long time but quit them to sing. You are good at math but don't really like to do it. Your best subject is writting because you LOVE to do it and write stories in your free time.
P.S this is like my personality.
on September 27, 2015
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What hairstyle should you have? *For girls*
Find out what hairstyle you should have! Comment down below what YOU got! Hope you like this quiz! :)
65 responses 19
on September 27, 2015
added a question to the starred list
I have a big butt and big thights?!?
Ok you're probably thinking, 'ugh , the same question asked by a typical teenager ' (I'm a girl ^.^) But no, My body is reaalllyy weird. ... The upper half of my body (my stomach and above) is thin, like I've been exercising t...
11 / 2
on September 26, 2015