cassiecat91 asked a question
Is it wrong to not go to a Acquaintances birthday party This girl who thinks she's my f...
on April 10, 2015

School honestly isn't a place to make friends, choose education and not focus your life on so called friends. Education will get you farther in life and you will prosper from learning so many things. Education is a key to success.
on March 17, 2015

Biggest lie I ran across on the Internet: School is a place where you feel accepted and not feel out of place haha not true at all. The other lie was in school your like one big family, not true either there's often all kinds of drama and issues so no way are you a big family in school. Third thing, you keep your school friends for your whole lifetime nooo all I've ever read or know from my experience was once i left middle school or even 10th grade , I never kept in touch or See More talked to my old friends ever after 10th grade. I have decided to not make New friends this year either, and it's helped me a lot. After high school, only a couple people keep in touch with each other and its alright. Always know when your in a group or team, you just have to get along, you don't have to be friends at all. You just have to get along so you get whatever done your doing, without issues and drama.
on March 17, 2015

on March 13, 2015