Whats your friendship style?

Whats your friendship style?

This is a quiz about what kind of friend you are to your friends, this quiz is just for fun so make sure you don't take it too seriously. I consider friendship styles to be important because you can find out your strengths and weaknesses by just finding out the type of friend you are so you can improve your attitude toward the friendship, or know how to be less clingy and have a healthy balance of things in the friendship. On one of the questions there's two friendship types because i couldn't really find the right type to go with it.

published on March 12, 201531 responses 3
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Your friend is upset about a fight they've had with their family and come crying to you for advice and help, what do you do?

Your friend is upset about a fight they've had with their family and come crying to you for advice and help, what do you do?
A.) You come to their aid with candy and movies or what not
B.) You talk to them to help calm them down and give them advice
C.) You blow them off and don't really know what to say to help them
D.) You go with them to talk to their family and figure stuff out

Your friend fell down and got her dress all dirty with mud because its raining out, and you guys have school in ten minutes, what would you do?

Your friend fell down and got her dress all dirty with mud because its raining out, and you guys have school in ten minutes, what would you do?
A.) You run to your house quick and grab a dress and lend it to her, after all shes your best friend
B.) You tell her no one will notice and walk with her to her first class
C.)You tell her, her day will go fine
D.) You lend her your jacket to cover up the mud and let her borrow it the whole day

Your friend is sick and sad and wants to stay home and mope during the weekend, but you guys had originally planned to go too the mall, and go on a little weekend road trip, what do you do?

Your friend is sick and sad and wants to stay home and mope during the weekend, but you guys had originally planned to go too the mall, and go on a little weekend road trip, what do you do?
A.) You tell them its okay if they don't feel good and just let them be
B.) You comfort them with movies and just chill and spend the day at home with them
C.) You encourage them to go too the mall and go on the road trip with you, and you pack all the meds they need to feel
better with and go
D.) You suggest a activity closer to home so they can relax but still go out and have fun

Your friend is mad at her sister, and they can't be in the same house together for even a few minutes, what do you do?

Your friend is mad at her sister, and they can't be in the same house together for even a few minutes, what do you do?
A.) You try and get your and friend their sister together in the same room and help them talk out their differences and issues
to resolve the conflict once and for all
B.) You just block your friend out when shes bitching about her sister and her fighting and think to yourself, "Well i'm super
happy my siblings and i get along"
C.) You try to find her sister and talk to her about it and see what the issue is so you can maybe help solve it
D.) You tell her ways to help patch her and her sisters fight, and buy her a card she can give to her sister so she can make an
apology card and try to stop the fighting

Your friend bought a new dress and you aren't well... lets be honest, your not a huge fan of the dress, and the not so great thing is, she used your hard earned babysitting and job money to buy it, and she hasn't paid you back yet and its been a month, what do you do?

Your friend bought a new dress and you aren't well... lets be honest, your not a huge fan of the dress, and the not so great thing is, she used your hard earned babysitting and job money to buy it, and she hasn't paid you back yet and its been a month, what do you do?
A.) You confront her and ask for the money because its been a while since she paid you back
B.) You text her and refuse to talk to her face to face about it and you only ask for half the money back
C.) You give her the cold shoulder and ignore her for the next few days and hope she gets the idea
D.) You don't make her pay any back and just let it go even though it was $80.00....