captainqwerty's Questions

captainqwerty asked 20 questions
Why are you guys so nice to me?
All i do is talk to you guys, i don't have as much followers as any of you or anything
2 / 2 profile question
Did @Violet change her username?
i've been looking for her and questions like this are more noticible, so if you know if she did i would like to know please
1 / 1 profile question
Who would win in a fight? terarria or minecraft?
Well the question is pretty simple so, there it is (also we're going to assume that they both can be in 3D so it's fair) I'm going with terarria
1 / 0 profile question
who do you ship me with? (2)
i keep asking people this and they keep saying pepe, so please don't put pepe, Qwepepe will never ever happen
0 / 0 profile question
What is your minecraft skin?
Just put a link to it and i shall look
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Pancakes or waffles? I like Waffles
1 / 0 profile question
if you found me sleeping on my bed what would you do?
I've saw a bunch of me frends do this so imma do it now, yay
2 / 0 profile question
What kind of dog do you have?
If you don't have a dog then i don't realy care and you don't have to put anything on here, i have 2 great danes
1 / 0 profile question
Is anyone exited about No Mans Sky?
If you do not know what it is look it up or ask.
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Who is your favorite super hero? (1)
Only marvel characters.
2 / 0 profile question
read description 2
your flying past the statue of slavery when you see a fish with no eye named phil who turns out to be evil and chases you to the great tower of pizza where you meet phil, so based on this information who started the iluminadie?
2 / 0 profile question
when people cry, why do tears come out?
who would win in a fight army the shark, or Jeff the turtle?
army the shark is a shark with arms, jeff is a turtle but he has rainbow tail
1 / 1 profile question
what if Hitler said i don't like juice not i don't like jews (0_o)?
also instead of gas the jews, he said pass the juice
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Who closes the door when the bus driver gets off?
if the bus driver is the one who opens and closes the door then who closes it when they get off?
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When will i get to live on the moon titan?
Either that or when can i live on mars
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