breann.west.5's Starred Questions - Page 7

breann.west.5 has 125 starred questions
What do you think of Homestuck?
Pretty much self-explanatory.
6 / 5
Did you ever have any strange dreams?
Have you ever had any strange dreams? Because I had one about all the men disappearing suddenly and only women we're around soon I was captured then brought to the place where all the men were. There was like 20,000 of them som...
8 / 10
What is the most embarrassing dare you have done?
What is the most embarrassing thing you've been dared to do? Mine was like a few months ago. I was at my friends house, Me and some friends were playing truth or dare in the front yard ..I was dared to do a crazy dance and a b...
5 / 2
What musical instruments do you play?
17 / 0
A cat had three kittens named April, May, and June. What was the mothers name?
here is a pretty hard riddle the first one to get it right I will follow
7 / 2