The Closet
I was running around like a monster. Actually if I was a monster I wouldn't be running around on two legs would I? No. But I found "IT" anyways. We call it "IT" because time there is always "NOW" and were always "HERE".
Let me back up.
So, I was running around. Wait, back up even more than that.
The reason I was running around was because my dad was getting remarried to my stepmother if that even makes sense right now.
So, I found "IT". If you don't want to call it "IT" then just... Read Full Chapter
Let me back up.
So, I was running around. Wait, back up even more than that.
The reason I was running around was because my dad was getting remarried to my stepmother if that even makes sense right now.
So, I found "IT". If you don't want to call it "IT" then just... Read Full Chapter
on September 22, 2013

Hello? Ariana grande. I know it's not u

:) hey :)
on July 10, 2013

yeah its not me. but hey
on July 04, 2013
on June 27, 2013

I Don't Like Changes Anymore
I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. I wasn't ready for another mother figure.
I layed down on the black couch and flexed my mucles upset about the following news. How could my dad do this to me. On my birthday. This wasn't supposed to happen on birthdays.
Birthdays were fun moments, where you could enjoy yourself and got whatever you wanted.
Suddenly, I got a great idea. Instead of sulking here all alone. I would easily just tell my dad it was my birthday and I got whatever... Read Full Chapter
I layed down on the black couch and flexed my mucles upset about the following news. How could my dad do this to me. On my birthday. This wasn't supposed to happen on birthdays.
Birthdays were fun moments, where you could enjoy yourself and got whatever you wanted.
Suddenly, I got a great idea. Instead of sulking here all alone. I would easily just tell my dad it was my birthday and I got whatever... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2013